Willie Mays: boyhood hero for me

Last night, we received the horrible news that baseball great Willie Mays died at the age of 93. He was perhaps the greatest baseball player of all time, and he was an amazing human being. He faced down hate with love. He responded to anger with kindness. When his second wife was hampered by early-onset Alzheimer’s, he devoted himself to caring for her.

Willie Mays was truly a hero to so many and to this boy who grew up watching and observing him. Here is a post I wrote three years ago about my heroes with Willie at the top of the list. I hope these words will help you reflect on his life and what he meant to so many. Tomorrow, along with so many of his friends and fans, I’ll watch on TV as the Giants take on the Cardinals at the field in Birmingham, AL where Willie started in center field for the Birmingham Barons in 1948 at age 16! Together, we will celebrate a great life well lived.

Author: Bob Mayer

Bob Mayer retired after 24 years as Librarian and faculty member at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He loves good books, especially the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Henri Nouwen, and C.S. Lewis. He also enjoys film, especially movies that cause him to reflect theologically and culturally on important themes and questions.

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